Bash script to execute Python script with args

Corin, Pythonbash

I wrote a small Python script to fetch a list of upcoming events from a calendar API, and wanted to make a bash script so I could assign it to an alias, then use a single shell command to change into the script directory and execute it.

The Python script takes a single argument, so I had to look up how to handle an argument when executing the bash script and pass it on.

The answer was to use $1, which represents the first command-line argument passed to a bash script. I also used $#, a special variable which holds the number of arguments passed to a script, in an if statement to check that we did not forget to provide the argument.


# Check if an argument is provided
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "Error: No argument provided"
    exit 1

# Assign argument to variable

# Change to relevant directory
cd ~/Path/To/My/Script

# Run script with variable as arg
python3 -a "$arg"
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